blossoming tree on campus

Counseling Center Events

365球赛平台’s Counseling Center events offer a variety of workshops and community events throughout the year. These events are designed to bring mental health awareness and support to the campus community. For more information, contact the Counseling Center at 732-255-0400 ext. 2911 or

Join Us

The Counseling Center looks forward to seeing you at the upcoming celebratory events that continue growing knowledge and awareness of Mental Health and recovery. All members of the 365球赛平台 and Kean-Ocean Communities are encouraged to attend.

Questions? For more information, contact the Counseling Center at (732)255-0386 or

Pizza, Pups & Positivity

thursdAY, April 3rd
TIME: 10:00AM-2:00PM

lOCATION: Larson student center, bldg #8 (lower level)

Enjoy a relaxing atmosphere with aura readings, therapy dogs, and pizza while focusing on mental health and self-care. For more information, contact Nicolette Palazzo at

Rachel Piazza founder of Feminist Self-Defense

Empowerment Self-Defense with Rachel Piazza

Date: Wednesday, April 2nd
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Location: Health and Human Performance Center (Gym-Building 29, Room 130 A&B)

Take a step toward personal empowerment with the Counseling Center’s Empowerment Self-Defense workshop! This interactive workshop, led by Rachel Piazza, provides a safe environment to learn to navigate difficult interactions, create healthier relationships, and enforce boundaries both verbally and physically.

Dope Is Death Film Screening

Join the Counseling Center for a film screening of “Dope is Death” to discover the revolutionary story of how Dr. Mutulu Shakur, along with the Black Panthers and the Young Lords, fused community health and radical politics to create the first acupuncture detox program in 1973 – an initiative deemed too radical to exist. This discussion sets the stage for Resilience Redefined: Exploring Alternative Pathways to Healing on April 16, where Dr. Carter, a leading practitioner, will dive deeper into the impact of this groundbreaking treatment.

Date: Monday, March 24

Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Location: TECH (Building 25, Room 115)

For more information, contact the Counseling Center at (732)255-0386 or

Empower Yourself: Understanding Healthy Relationships and Your Rights

Join the Counseling Center for an important discussion on recognizing the early signs of relationship abuse and understanding your legal rights. Attorney Monica Gural from Legal Services of NJ will provide insight into the laws, resources, and support available for those affected by domestic or sexual violence.

Date: Thursday, April 10

Time: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Location: Instructional (Building 5, Room 114)

Questions? Email

Resilience Redefined
Exploring Alternative Pathways to Healing
Wednesday, April 16th

Wellness Activities – 9:00am -12Noon
Location: Conference Ctr. Bldg. #10 – Rooms 109 A&B
Workshops and demonstrations of healing practices

Dr. Kenneth Carter – 12:30-1:45pm
Location: Conference Ctr. Bldg. #10

Join the Offices of Student Services, Counseling, and the Veterans and Military Resource Center for an inspiring event focused on healing and personal growth! Dr. Kenneth Carter, President of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, will share his groundbreaking recovery and stress management strategies. There will also be a variety of workshops and demonstrations of healing practices like meditation, yoga, tai chi, and more!

This program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, contact Melanie Mancini at

Relax and Recharge

Experience the calming and centering practices of meditation and mindfulness. You’ll learn new ways to relax, reduce stress, and increase focus with our Relax and Recharge meditation sessions.

To learn more, please contact the Counseling Center at 732-255-0386 or

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Contact Us

Office Hours By Appointment:
Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Phone: (732) 255-0400 ext. 2911
Location: Library Bldg #3 – Suite 010

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New Veterans Crisis Line – 988

988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Veterans Crisis Line Logo